District 20 Conference Packets are in the Mail!!!!

NOTICE The Woman’s Meeting has been rescheduled to Friday January 13, 2023 @ 4:00pm in Room “San Marcos River” at Embassy Hotel and Conference Center, 1001 E McCarty Ln, San Marcos TX. Please notify your chapter of change. Thank you


District 20 conference to be held January 13-15, 2023.  The venue for the conference will be the Embassy Suites – San Marcos which is located at 1001 E McCarty Lane.  The discounted room rate is $96 for a single and $126 for a double.  The discounted room rate is limited with an expiration date of December 14, 2022.  Please take advantage of the discount and make your reservations early by calling (512) 392-6450 or online at

DAV District 20 Conference & DAVA School of Instructions Booking Link

*****New this year is a Women Veterans meeting on Thursday January 12, 2023 at 4:00 pm in Chatauqua Salon B. If you want to attend please email Jen @ admin@davtexas.org  *****

Remember to pay attention to the deadline dates DECEMBER 5, 2022, as noted in the letter and if you lose your letter or forms, they are available right here for download and printing!

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