OVERFLOW HOTEL – Holiday Inn, San Marcos
Click here to book room Select your room (ihg.com)
2024 District 20 conference to be held January 12-14, 2024. The venue for the conference will be the Embassy Suites – San Marcos which is located at 1001 E McCarty Lane. The discounted room rate is $107 for a single and $128 for a double. The discounted room rate is limited with an expiration date of December 13, 2023. Please take advantage of the discount and make your reservations early by calling (512) 392-6450 or online Book Room Now
We are already hard at work preparing the information and training materials needed by your chapter members to be successful in our single purpose – empowering veterans to lead high-quality lives with respect and dignity. We hope to see all chapters present to take advantage of this opportunity to learn as well as share helpful information with others.
Register for this event @ District 20 Conference Registration
Some of the class topics will include:
~ Constitution and Bylaws – A Better Understanding
~ Robert’s Rules – How Does It Work?
~ Fundraising – The Do’s and Don’ts for Success
~ Adopted Department Initiatives – What’s New?
~ District Caucus
~ Leadership
~ Survival of the Chapter
To also include a more in-depth informative look at other must-know topics of which many new members are unaware.
But that’s not all. Plenty of time will be available to provide for camaraderie and networking amongst other DAV members from across the state. This will include a Meet and Greet Reception the evening of Friday, January 12th. On Saturday, January 13th, lunch will be provided in the hospitality room, cost included in the $15 registration – giving everyone more time to socialize and share with others.
To make this successful we really need your help! Fill out registration form for your chapter members who are planning to attend the conference using the enclosed form with payment and mail it back to Department Headquarters by December 5, 2022. That’s it! Prepayment of registration is not required but it is recommended to avoid lines. The list itself is most important in helping us to prepare for the possible number attending.
As always, we love to hear from you at Department Headquarters, so please do not hesitate to contact us.