National Commander’s Awards 2025

We are pleased to announce the DAV National Commander’s Awards! These awards honor those whose actions are exceptional examples of DAV’s core values of Service, Quality, Integrity and Leadership.

Nominations for the following awards are now being accepted through Feb. 28, 2025.

• Disabled American Veteran of the Year
• Department of Veterans Affairs Employees of the Year (VBA, VHA and NCA)
• Patriot Employer of the Year (large, midsize and small)
• Local Veterans’ Employment Representative
• Disabled Veterans Outreach Program Specialist
• DAV and Auxiliary Volunteer of the Year
Attached is the document for each of the awards providing the necessary details for submitting nominations. 

We thank those departments who have consistently participated and supported the National Commander’s award program by submitting quality nominations. We urge your continued support, and for those who have not been involved we ask you to assist us this year.

We believe there are deserving candidates for each award in every state. While the National Commander can only select one recipient per award, DAV locally recognizing those who go above and beyond is also crucially important.

As always, thank you for your leadership and steadfast commitment to the men and women who have served and sacrificed for our tremendous freedoms.

CLICK box at bottom of letter to open & download, application & information!!

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