Dear Friend,

Many disabled veterans have prosthetic limbs, use wheelchairs, or develop skin conditions related to their service-connected condition that puts excessive wear and tear on or otherwise damages clothing. The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) determines if these veterans are entitled to an annual clothing allowance to help defray the cost for that damage. Many veterans receiving this benefit are permanently disabled yet must apply annually for the clothing allowance. 

Under these bills, VA would be required to review a veteran’s file five years after they become eligible to receive clothing allowance benefits to determine if they meet the criteria to continue receiving payments. S. 2513 and H.R. 4772 would also require VA to establish a regulatory standard to determine if the service-connected disability of the veteran making the claim for clothing allowance is subject to change. If it is determined the veteran has a service-connected disability that is not subject to change, the eligibility review will no longer be necessary and veterans would receive the clothing allowance automatically. 

In accordance with DAV Resolution No. 028, we support this legislation for VA to continue its mission to furnish service-connected veterans timely, high-quality health services that cover a full continuum of care, including, prosthetics services.

Please urge your elected officials to cosponsor and support S. 2513 or H.R. 4772. These bills allow service-disabled veterans to receive an earned benefit without excessive administrative burden.


 Click here to contact your local NSO for assistance with claims.


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DAV Department of Texas | 936-637-3281 | Admin@davtexas.org| DAVTEXAS.ORG